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Everything about the terms of use of Hosted Solr: information on contract terms, prices, obligations and liability when using the Solr search solution.
Our highest goal is happy customers. That is why you will not find any hidden obligations at Hosted Solr. All plans are subject to monthly cancellation.
Learn more about how to set up a Solr core: From registration and configuration to costs and updates. Here you will find step-by-step instructions.
With Hosted Solr, you set the limits. You can choose a suitable plan depending on your requirements. Easily switch to another plan.
Hosted Solr does not require lengthy and complicated configurations. Simply create an account and create an Apache Solr index.
Find out more about the operator of this website, including contact details, company information and legal information in the legal notice.
Currently we support TYPO3, Magento, Sunspot (Ruby) and Drupal. In the future we plan to support other third party systems, including Joomla and Wordpress.
The entire Hosted Solr platform is based on open source software. We believe in the power and strengths of an open development process and free software.
Do you have questions about Hosted Solr or would you like to contact us? Please use this form, we will be happy to answer your request within a short time.
Find out how dkd processes, stores and protects your data in accordance with the GDPR. All information about cookies, log files, data deletion and your rights.